Materials, Texts, Services

Domain And Server Space

For this class you’ll be creating websites and publishing your work online. As such, you’ll need your own domain and server space to host your sites. If you already have a domain and server space, talk to me and let's make certain what you've got will meet the needs of this class. If not, sign up at Reclaim Hosting.


Once you've got your domain name and server space, you'll need to install WordPress somewhere on it to create a website.

Our Canvas Course

We won't use Canvas a ton, but there will be some materials that shouldn't be public (like recordings of our synchronous class time) that I'll post there.


We'll use this Slack workspace for our backchannel and other communication. Click that link and join the workspace.


Electronic Course Reserves

There will be additional readings housed in Course Reserves through the Woodruff library.